Stone Road Glade Natural Area contains the least disturbed and highest quality limestone glades remaining in the Coastal Plain of Arkansas. This community type is unusual for this part of Arkansas and contains a diverse assemblage of wildflowers throughout the growing season. Ecologically, the natural area is a mix of limestone glades, blackland prairie, woodland, and riparian forest communities.
From the town of Center Point (northwest of Nashville) go east on State Highway 26 to State Highway 369. Go north on State Highway 369 for 4 miles. Cross Railroad tracks. Take first left after tracks. Cross bridge, and another set of tracks. Continue until reaching a "T" in the road. The natural area lies across the road at this "T." Caution: Public access may be restricted from time to time by a neighboring landowner's locked gate.
When this occurs, visitors will need to park on the road (please do not block the gate) and walk to the natural area. Please note that it is approximately a 2-mile walk from the gate to the natural area entrance.
Hunting is prohibited on this natural area.