

Donation Options

Help support Historic Arkansas Museum in its mission to preserve and share Arkansas history, arts and culture by contributing a donation.


Contribute a donation in memory of a special person.


Contribute a donation in honor of someone who is passionate about Arkansas history, arts and culture.


The Bill Worthen Future of History Fund is a fund named for the museum’s former director of more than 40 years, and is dedicated to “Inspiring the Next Generation of Arkansas History Lovers.”

The Fund’s first project was to offer free education programs and field trips to any school that wanted to experience a field trip during the museum's entire 75th anniversary year in 2016.

The fundraising success of the initiative helped extend this program past 2016 and we need your help to continue this commitment to our community. Help us reach out to more schools and more students by making a contribution today. Whether it's a visit to the museum or a face-to-face outreach program, we want to give Arkansas kids an immersive, tactile experience that ignites their interest in history.

Countless visitors have witnessed former director Bill Worthen’s passion for Arkansas history and even more across the world have been impacted by his scholarly research and publications.

Since his retirement at the end of 2016, the Bill Worthen Future of History Fund has sought to pass on Bill’s passion for Arkansas history to future generations for decades to come. 

To see more about The Future of History Fund, watch this video 

A donation of just $50 gives one classroom the opportunity to experience Arkansas history up close with a hands-on field trip program.


The food we eat, how we prepare it, and who we share our food with is our history. Through this history we can learn more about ourselves as Arkansans, as well as who we were hundreds of years ago. We can begin to trace our heritage through our foodways and discover how to the foods we eat came to be on our plates. Using foodways to explore our past is immediately relatable and provides an entry point to learning more about the many cultures that make us who we are today.

The Arkansas Foodways Initiative allows the museum to delve deeper into Arkansas foodways and provide even more programming around our food heritage. The History is Served Dinner Series, which debuted in 2018, is the first of such programming made possible through the support of the Historic Arkansas Museum Foundation and our History is Served  donors. 

Your donation to The Arkansas Foodways Initiative will allow the museum to delve deeper into Arkansas foodways and expand programming around our food heritage.   


Our Historic Partners, individuals and businesses who support the museum at an increased level, recognize the worth of collecting, preserving and sharing the history of Arkansas's people.

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Corporate Sponsorships

Our Historic Partners—individuals and businesses who support the museum at an increased level—recognize the worth of collecting, preserving and sharing the history of Arkansas’s people. The support of Historic Partners helps the museum save Arkansas’s rich history, while partners receive special benefits that allow them a deeper connection with the museum’s mission and programming.