Offer well-planned educational experiences and materials that take into account the irreplaceable landscape and relative's feelings. Many awareness activities can be used to generate funds for preservation projects.
The Arkansas Historic Preservation Program offers a number of services and materials to assist individuals and groups in the preservation of historic cemeteries. Most materials and services are either free or available for a small charge.
National Register of Historic Places nomination packets
Individual technical assistance on preservation issues, educational projects, and related concerns can be requested by contacting our Special Projects Historian.
Technical assistance brochures on stained glass, cast iron and other materials in a historic cemetery can be requested by contacting our Special Projects Historian.
Workshops on cemetery related topics for classrooms, cemetery caretakers, historical societies, civic organizations and other interested groups can be led by members of our staff. To set up a workshop or presentation, please contact our office by phone or email.
Walking Tours: The AHPP offers a series of walking tours that focus on a variety of historic sites. Some of these tours are directed at cemeteries around the state.
Lesson Plans on historic cemeteries for schools, scout groups, church groups, and other related organizations are also available from our office.
Association for Gravestone Studies This group offers resources, a newsletter, workshops and other cemetery related items. A good source for books on cemeteries. You may contact them by writing: AGS, 101 Munson Street, Suite 108, Greenfield, MA, 01301 or visiting their website at
National Center for Preservation Technology & Training This site has a wide range of technical and informational articles about cemetery care and restoration. View articles and information at their website:
The National Trust for Historic Preservation This group published a pamphlet titled Preservation of Historic Burial Grounds (Information Series No. 76, 1993) that might be of interest. Call their national headquarters at (202) 588-6000, write NTHP at 2600 Virginia Ave, NW, Ste. 1000, Washington DC 20037, or visit their website at
The National Park Service - National Register of Historic Places This group published Bulletin 41, Guidelines for Evaluating and Registering Cemeteries and Burial Places. The bulletin lists a number of resources, as well as related bulletins on the subject of burial grounds. This agency keeps a list of every cemetery listed on the National Register of Historic Places. Write: to National Park Service, National Register of Historic Places, 1849 C Street, NW (2280), Washington, DC 20240, call (202) 343-9559 or visit
Cemetery Preservation