The AHPP can provide technical assistance to individuals, groups, developers, organizations, communities, and others involved in or contemplating restoration, rehabilitation or renovation of historic properties. The division can also provide on-site visits, consultations, explanations, brochures and related printed materials.
Preservation Briefs
The National Park Service has published a series of informational booklets on various preservation methods, materials, and building issues. Topics available include roofing, painting, window repair, plaster, and many others.
Tech Notes
The Preservation Tech Notes series provides practical information on traditional practices and innovative techniques for successfully maintaining and preserving cultural resources. Examples from actual building projects are used to demonstrate solutions to a variety of problems. Many of the tech notes are available online and those that are not can be purchased from the Government Printing Office.
Online Resources
If you are planning work on your historic property the Online Education website is an excellent place to start. It contains guidelines and suggestions for retaining the historic character of your property. There's information on how to manage moisture in your building, guides on how to inspect your property from the roof down to the foundation, a checklist for rehabilitating your property and much more.
Secretary of the Interior's Standards
When planning work on your historic property, this website can help you decide which of the four preservation treatment approaches to take (preservation, rehabilitation, restoration and reconstruction) and provides standards and guidelines for each approach.
Illustrated Guidelines for Rehabilitating Historic Buildings
Rehabilitation is the most prevalent of the four preservation treatments. Older buildings are altered and adapted to a contemporary use while retaining those elements which define the buildings character. The illustrated guidelines found on this site provide a wealth of relevant information which will help in preserving the historic integrity of your property.
Cemetery Preservation
You can find general guidance, information on listing a cemetery in the National Register of Historic Places, information about Arkansas cemetery laws and website links to other online resources.
Learn how to guarantee the preservation of your historic structure while gaining a tax break for yourself.
Learn MoreThe AHPP uses GIS and historic maps to find locations, record them and to do spatial analysis.
Learn MoreThe AHPP works with city governments around the state to foster preservation at the local level.
Learn MoreNational Park Service - Technical Preservation Services
National Center for Preservation Technology & Training
Preservation Trades Network, Inc.
ADA Accessibility Guidelines for Buildings and Facilities
National Preservation Institute
Arkansas State Archives
Partners for Sacred Places