Cemetery Conservation Workshop: Rose Hill Cemetery, Arkadelphia

Cemetery Conservation Workshop: Rose Hill Cemetery, Arkadelphia
Event Hosted By
Arkansas Historic Preservation Program
See all AHPP Events
May 31, 09:00AM
May 31, 04:00PM
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The Rose Hill Cemetery is located at 1119 Main Street in Arkadelphia (12th and Main). Parking is at the cemetery.
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Holly Hope

Special Projects Historian

This free workshop on the basics of cemetery conservation, featuring instruction by Rusty Brenner of Texas Cemetery Restoration, will address common concerns in preservation and maintenance of cemeteries and offer hands-on training.

The workshop will be hands-on, attendees are encouraged to participate in cleaning, making basic repairs, and the leveling and straightening of gravestones. Tents will be provided in case of rain. Chairs are available, but if you need a stool, you are encouraged to bring one. Gloves and comfortable clothing are also encouraged.

Workshop is limited to 40 registrants. Lunch will be provided by the AHPP. Please inform us if you need a vegetarian option.

Directions and Parking
Rose Hill Cemetery is located at 1119 Main Street in Arkadelphia (12th and Main). Parking is at the cemetery.

About Rusty Brenner
Rusty Brenner of Texas Cemetery Restoration brings his monument restoration expertise to Arkansas to benefit those who care for cemeteries, large and small. Attendees at the numerous workshops he has conducted across the state have implemented his instruction in repair, cleaning and leveling in their own burying grounds. Others have utilized his tested techniques to assist others in saving their fragile gravestones.

This important workshop will allow attendees to perpetuate links to their past, their families, and their community by preserving unique funerary art and architecture. This work can also incite interest on the part of younger participants in maintaining and carrying on the stories. Please join us for this important workshop and take part in carrying on the history of these significant sites.

Agenda – Saturday, May 31
9 a.m. – noon
Introductions and workshop overview.
Cleaning, leveling and basic repairs will be covered.

Noon – 1 p.m.
Lunch on the grounds provided by the AHPP.

1 p.m. – 4 p.m.
Continue with cleaning, leveling and basic repairs.

Workshop is free, but registration is required:
Contact: Holly Hope 
(501) 324-9148
Day of workshop, call (501) 681-2120

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