Living Craft Workshop: For the Love of Cotton

Living Craft Workshop: For the Love of Cotton
Event Hosted By
Historic Arkansas Museum
See all HAM Events
Mar 08, 10:00AM
Mar 08, 04:00PM
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200 E. 3rd St., Little Rock, Arkansas, United States, 72205
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With Maryelle Vonlanthen and Tessa Melançon. 

This workshop will introduce participants to preparing cotton fiber by spinning thick and thin threads that can be used to make anything from blankets to fine textiles. Learn to prep and spin different types of cotton. Try out a variety of spinning tools. Each participant will receive a small bag of cotton fiber and a supported spindle created by John Galen to use during the workshop and to take home to continue practicing.

Open to all levels of experience. Please bring your own sack lunch.
Cost is $25. Space is limited, so register online now to attend. 

Contributions and proceeds from this event go to the Historic Arkansas Museum Foundation. The Foundation exists to support the Historic Arkansas Museum through activities that foster history and cultural education.

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