Join playwright, actor, nonprofit founder, educator, and finance specialist Ben Grimes from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. Nov. 14 at the Arkansas Regional Innovation Hub for a free workshop that helps creatives of all genres diversify their revenue through passive income and investing.
Learn the art of creating money that comes in consistently with no new projects or products. Discover the benefits of passive income and how to stabilize your artistic practice and career. Gain an understanding of the first steps and what you need to do to create equity in your own life.
Seating is limited. Registration is required by Nov. 11. Register for FREE on Eventbrite.
This in-person event is organized and sponsored by the Arkansas Arts Council.
About our Facilitator
Ben Grimes, a Little Rock native, is the director of Finance and Administration at the Arkansas Repertory Theatre. Previously he was the executive artistic director for Riverside Actors Theatre, which he founded. He graduated with an executive master’s degree in public service from the Clinton School of Public Service. Grimes holds a BFA in Regional Theatre from The Conservatory of Theatre Arts at Webster University and has performed in regional theaters nationwide.
About the Arkansas Regional Innovation Hub
Located in Argenta, the North Little Rock downtown area that has been revitalized by the arts, the Innovation Hub seeks to build up individual artists, the community as a whole and the creative economy by providing access to information, resources and instruction.