Aaron Rider, also known as Melvino the Clown amazes children of all ages with his astoundingly awesome humorousness and his practically pointless but exuberantly entertaining skills. Performing in or out of traditional circus clown makeup and costume, he excels at many disciplines: juggling, unicycling, balancing various objects including himself, and goofing off.
Aaron spent 13 years traveling the United States with various American style circuses, such as Culpepper Merriweather, Carson and Barnes, and Kelly Miller Circuses, but has now run away from the circus to join a home. He is offering the skills and experience he learned and honed on the road—with an emphasis on variety type shows, children's shows, and strolling entertainment.
"Wonderfully wacky!"-- JUGGLE Magazine
"Great interaction at our event and a lot of fun."
"Melvino was awesome. The kids loved him. He was kind and took pictures with the kids. He was truly kind and gentle spoken and kids loved him being there."
Photo credit Lacey Terrell.- Fee
- $200 - $1200 .
- Time Availability
- Year-round