Arts In Education

Anne Bell
Arkansas Arts Council
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Little Rock, AR
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I became invested in arts-based education when I founded St Nicholas School of the Arts while living in Iowa. My belief is the arts are a vital part of human experience, and, therefore, necessary for a complete education. The best way to incorporate the arts into education is to bring the excitement of the arts into every subject. I have K-12 experience in arts-based education, both in teaching and in curriculum development. The arts are a safe space for students to try out new ideas and to develop their own. In the visual arts, there is no penalty if artwork does not develop as expected. In fact, the failure of one work of art may lead to an even more interesting new work in the future.
I was born an Arkansas artist, who left home to get an education back East, then returned to Arkansas with arts-in-education experience to share. I have a bachelor’s Degree from Sarah Lawrence College, New York; and studied at Harvard University Graduate School of Design. Initially I worked in traditional media such as egg tempera, drawing, painting, and printmaking. Over time this has meshed with new skill sets in digital artwork. My style is light, and I enjoy investigating curious dilemmas through art.
Preferred Age Level
Middle/Jr High and Upper Elementary grades 3-5
Geographic Availability
Within 100 mile radius of Little Rock
Time Availability
Special Needs
Art supplies, tables, chairs, sinks, aprons, as detailed for each specific residency. Will be enumerated with the lesson plans.

