Governor's Arts Awards Nomination Form


Award Categories

Arts Community Development Award

A civic leader who has taken a leadership role in creating an environment for artists and the arts to flourish in their local community. Potential nominees include arts administrators, elected public officials, and community volunteers.

Arts in Education Award

An individual or organization that has made significant contributions in integrating the arts into the educational curriculum within the school system or through creating educational opportunities in the arts outside the school setting

Corporate Sponsorship of the Arts Award

An Arkansas for-profit business that has made a significant contribution in support of the arts in this state. This does not include foundations associated with for-profit businesses, stand-alone foundations or 501 ( c )(3) nonprofits.

Folklife Award

An individual or group that actively practices, shares and preserves folklife traditions within a cultural community. Examples include traditional crafts, dance, foodways, music, storytelling or shared contemporary cultural traditions and artforms built on tradition.

Individual Artist Award

An artist active in the field of architecture, contemporary crafts, design, film, literature, performing arts or visual arts who has made significant contributions to their art form. (Please include images of the artist's work as part of the nomination.)

Patron Award

An individual or family who has made significant philanthropic contributions to the development of the arts.

Lifetime Achievement Award

An artist or group whose contributions to the arts over a lifetime has fostered significant recognition, or an art patron whose lifetime of dedication to the development and support of the arts will sustain the arts beyond their lifetime.


Nominees must be current Arkansas residents or an Arkansas-based business or organization.


Current Arkansas Arts Council advisory council members, staff of Arkansas Heritage or their immediate families, and selection committee members are not eligible to nominate or be nominated. Posthumous nominations will not be accepted.

Past recipients are not eligible in the category for which they have received a previous Governor’s Arts Award.


The deadline to submit a nomination is Friday, September 6, 2024.



Nominations will be judged on the following criteria:
1. Completed Nomination Form

2. Written Statement (Required)

3. Supplemental Materials



Attach a typed statement (up to two pages) which details the importance of the nominee’s contributions to the arts. The nomination should reflect activity beyond normal expectations or responsibilities if the nominee is an arts organization, an employee of an arts organization or an educator.

The statement should address:

  • The significance of the nominee’s achievements and contributions, as related to the arts.
  • The range of individuals and groups served by the nominee’s contributions.
  • The length of time and the degree of the nominee’s dedication to the arts.


Up to three pages of additional information can be submitted with the written statement.

Examples include:

  • Images of artwork or artistic projects related to the nominee.
  • Letters of support from people familiar with the nominee’s contributions.
  • Resumes or website links relevant to the nominee’s achievements.

Written statement and supplemental information should be submitted on 8 1/2” x 11” letter-size paper. Up to five pages total will be reviewed.

Select one category

Nominee Information

Nominator Information

I understand the selection committee may consider nominees in categories other than the ones in which they are nominated.

An independent panel will choose the recipients of the 2025 Governor's Arts Awards. All decisions of the panel are final. Awards will be presented in the spring of 2025.