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MTCC Sponsored Events

Discover the flagship events exclusively hosted by our museum this year. These cornerstone attractions form the heart of the annual Juneteenth in Da Rock celebration, a tradition we proudly uphold year after year.

Saturday, June 1st | Juneteenth Flag Raising
This event marks the beginning of the Juneteenth celebrations with a commemorative flag-raising ceremony. It serves as a solemn reminder of the historical significance of Juneteenth and invites participants to reflect on African American history.

Saturday, June 15 | Juneteenth 5K Walk/Run
The 3rd annual Juneteenth 5K walk/run offers participants a chance to support the mission of the Mosaic Templars Cultural Center while exploring significant African American historical sites in the city. It's not only a race but also an opportunity to promote a healthy lifestyle and engage with the community.

Saturday, June 15 | Juneteenth in Da Rock Street Festival
This day-long street festival promises a vibrant cultural experience with activities, vendors, virtual programs, food, and entertainment suitable for all ages. With thousands of attendees expected from across the state and a diverse range of attractions including a kids' zone and education station,  it's set to be a highlight of the Juneteenth celebration.

These events collectively provide a rich tapestry of experiences that honor the significance of Juneteenth while fostering community engagement and celebration. It's an excellent lineup that promises something for everyone to enjoy and learn from.


We Have an Event Coming Up!

Juneteenth 5k

Juneteenth in Da Rock 5k

  • June 15, 2024
  • 07:00AM - 08:00AM

Please check back for updates!

For more information:

Brian Rodgers

Adult Education Interpretive Specialist